Sunday 2 June 2013

Connecting with the Land - Imagery

Getting creative is a well known way to allow hidden and half-seen feelings and insights to come to the fore. So it stands to reason that a creative outlet is another good way of learning to sense the Spirit of Place.

Some creative exercises to try that I found helpful:
* lots of places have town shields and plenty of regions had their own flags. What design would you use to represent your place? What captures its essence?

* Similarly imagine you were creating a brand logo for your place. What would it be? Although this is similar to the above it does allow for slightly different artistic expression.

* Either draw or make a collage of the local landmarks - those places instantly recognisable that seem to make the place what it is. This was an illuminating exercise for me, because those places were, without me recognising it, places where the feeling was strong and the shape of the place easier to get a sense of. It's a good way to identify places you might not have thought of to send out feelers!

* Poetry. Go on give it a try! What words speak of this landscape? What images solidify in your mind? Go forth and scribble!

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